[Mapserver-users] Mapscript

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Thu Feb 26 13:42:40 PST 2004


You know Java.  Therefore I think that the Python mapscript would be the
best for you.  The syntax is more near to Java than Perl or PHP, and 
mapscript also raises the exceptions that are so dear to Java 

I have nothing against the other mapscript flavors, only that the 
from Java to Python would be easier.


On Feb 26, 2004, at 10:21 AM, Jose Maria Michia wrote:

> Hi.
> I have a Tomcat Application that uses Mapscript (Java Interface) 
> trought an RMI Server in a n-layer. This is useful for no tomcat 
> crash, but the rmi crash. So, my application never die..... but the 
> performance is bad, and no error message. I never know what is wrong. 
> I decide maintain the java applicaction and put the mapserver work in 
> a PHP application or Perl application. This application will generate 
> some XML with tags like MAP_IMAGE_NAME, MAP_EXTENT, etc.... Maybe 
> identify implementations, and add some dinamyc layers. What interface 
> recommend you? Perl or Mapscript?
> Thanks, sorry my english.
> http://visualizador.rosario.gov.ar (non stable). I hope replace RMI 
> with php or perl in the next version. Next version come with some 
> interesting funcionality, like custom querys, new important layers 
> (urban transport), and tips for the custom querys result objets).... 
> Cooming soon :D
> People: I have very bad experience with Java interface. I recommend 
> you no use Java interface (or use only y little static mapping. If you 
> no change the MAP file , and no add runtime objetcs, maybe you don´t 
> have problems).
> José María Michia
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Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com

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