[Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript WMS and WFS

Lowell Filak lfilak at medinaco.org
Fri Feb 6 09:40:43 PST 2004


I'm not aware of a way to access the any of the capabilities from
mapscript but there may be a couple of options:
1) Use perl/mapscript to dynamically alter the mapfile that WMS is
pulling from.?
2) Alter/borrow-code-from something like
http://ortho.mit.edu/mitorthoserver/setupServer.html to answer WMS
requests for MapServer created images.


The following message was sent by "Miller Joseph"
<miller_joseph at bah.com> on Fri, 6 Feb 2004 11:39:17 -0500.

> I haven't been able to find any answer in Wiki, documentation, or the
> archives, so I thought I'd float it again.  Is there a way to use
> to generate WMS/WFS capabilites, such as getcapabilities creation etc?  If
> so, is there a documented example anywhere?
> Thanks,
> Joe Miller
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