[Mapserver-users] Re: jBox applet - setimage

Richard Greenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Mon Feb 9 11:14:01 PST 2004

Ryan, Adam wrote:

> Mr. Greenwood and list,
> I just read your post 
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/data2/wilma/mapserver-users/0401/msg00653.html
> where you describe two methods for grabbing an image: directly with mode=map
> or with a hidden frame and a second call.  I've been experimenting with both
> and I have a question.
> Is it possible for the java applet (or any java applet) to set the image not
> from a url but from an img element currently on the page whose src is
> already cached in memory? 

As it stands now, jBox expects the image to be at a URL. Changing it to 
look for the image in a local file location might not be too difficult. 
I have no idea how hard it would be to change it to look for the image 
as a part of an <img src= ... because the img src is neither a URL or a 
file that is managed directly by the client computer's file system.

If so, would that not be the best of both?

You lost me there. Could you expand on that?

> Just wondering...
> Adam Ryan
> GIS Analyst
> Linn County GIS Department
> County Courthouse / Room 25
> 300 SW Fourth Ave.
> Albany, OR 97321
> 541.812.8760
> aryan at co.linn.or.us

Richard Greenwood

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