[Mapserver-users] Mapserver - Oracle through OGR

Vladimir Guzmán bigfoot at main-task.com
Mon Feb 16 15:21:07 PST 2004

I have the same problem.
So I tried with the mapserver's built-in oracle spatial support, but I 
have the following error:

[MapServer Error]: msOCIConnect() in msOracleSpatialLayerOpen(): 
ORA-07217: sltln: environment variable cannot be evaluated.

It is an Oracle error, which seems to be related with the environment 
variable ORACLE_SID.
But it seems to be ok, because the ogrinfo works ok.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

Vladimir Guzmán

bartvde at xs4all.nl wrote:

>Hi list,
>I am trying to connect Mapserver to Oracle through OGR but I am running
>into a problem. Error message, output from ogrinfo and excerpt from MAP
>file at the bottom of this e-mail. We can connect through the native
>Oracle Spatial interface of Mapserver on the same machine.
>Anybody have an idea what could be the problem?
>Thanks in advance,
>msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'straten'.
>msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection
>`OCI:laura/laura at laura'.  File not found or unsupported format.
>When I connect through ogrinfo there are no problems, this is part of the
>output generated by ogrinfo:
>INFO: Open of `OCI:laura/laura at laura'
>using driver `OCI' successful.
>Layer name: SELECT * from straten where name='Kerkstraat'
>Geometry: Unknown (any)
>Feature Count: 809
>Extent: (19361.400000, 309014.500000) - (276658.600000, 603186.200000)
>Layer SRS WKT:
>ID: Integer (20.0)
>FRC: Integer (9.0)
>NAME: String (70.0)
>NAMELC: String (3.0)
>ROUTENUM: String (50.0)
>MI_SYMBOLOGY: String (254.0)
>MI_PRINX: Integer (11.0)
>OGRFeature(SELECT * from straten where name='Kerkstraat'):0
>  ID (Integer) = 2079166603
>  FRC (Integer) = 7
>  NAME (String) = Kerkstraat
>  NAMELC (String) = DUT
>  ROUTENUM (String) = (null)
>  MI_SYMBOLOGY (String) = (null)
>  MI_PRINX (Integer) = 312
>  LINESTRING (268161.900 566095.100,268074.900 566072.700)
>This is the relevant part of my MAP file:
>CONNECTION "OCI:laura/laura at laura"
>DATA "SELECT * FROM STRATEN where name='Kerkstraat'"
>No errors in the Apache error log.
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