[Mapserver-users] List as Forum??

Lowell Filak lfilak at medinaco.org
Mon Feb 23 10:30:24 PST 2004

I agree that the search needs some tweaking/fixing:
1) Subject & thread indexes need removed from the results.
2) Sometimes when comparing google results to the local results there
seems to be missing local hits (I don't have a handy example, sorry) -
possible bug.?
It does seem that previously answered questions keep getting reposted,
possibly caused by the search results not being what people expect.?


The following message was sent by "Liz Godwin" <godwinl at agr.gc.ca> on
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:27:05 -0500.

> Hi List,
> Last week was one of those weeks when I was really hunting for answers
> to various questions.  In doing so, I have come to appreciate forums
> compared to mailing lists for finding information, and especially for
> following threads.  The activity on this mailing list is so great that I
> find it hard to follow.  I have messages filtered into a separate
> folder, but that's not enough.  I also find the archive difficult to
> search, both index and thread pages usually sqewing the results of a
> query. 
> I propose that this list be migrated to a forum.  Who hosts it is
> another question. The most logical host would be UMN's mapserver site.
> Any one else have comments to this?  Are there reason's NOT to migrate
> to a forum?  It just seems silly to have 1000 mailboxes filled with 40
> (yesterday's count) messages a day (or 1 really long one if digested)
> when they can be posted on a common site where we can go look at it,
> sorted by thread, grouped into categories/levels whatever.  It's more
> "user friendly" IMHO.
> Cheers,
> Liz Godwin
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