[Mapserver-users] Projection library error

Zipora Sidel tsidel at icesat2.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue Feb 17 06:32:13 PST 2004

I am trying to go through the tutorial of mapserv.
I was able to see the demo so I figured out that my installation went well.
However when I am trying to run the tutorial I am getting the following 
loadProjection(): Projection library error. Projection support is not 
I wonder if anybody has any idea what is wrong.

Tzipi Sidel 				NASA 	
Chief Programmer/Analyst		Goddard Space Flight Center
Altimeter Data Analysis			Mail Stop 971
and Processing				Greenbelt, MD 20771	
Raytheon ITSS
Phone: (301) 614-5891		
FAX:   (301) 614-5644		
email: zipora.sidel at gsfc.nasa.gov

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