[Mapserver-users] 500 Server Error - Log: Premature end of script headers

Eric Pocher ep at fundfgmbh.de
Wed Jan 7 03:55:56 PST 2004

Hi All,

 i complied the mapserver successfully. if I execute the file in the shell I
get the message:
"This script can only be used to decode from results and should be initiated
as a CGI process via a httpd server."

So I think the mapserv-file is allright. but if I open the file from a
browser directly without any parameters, I should get the message "No query
information to decode. QUERY_STRING not set.", but the 500 INERNAL SERVER
ERROR returned.
The logfile says:
"Premature end of script headers."

Is there any error in the mapserv-file or in the conig of the webserver.

Server OS: Suse Linux 8
Webserver: Apache 1.3


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