[Mapserver-users] JBox question

Nikolai Vladychevski niko at isl.net.mx
Thu Jan 15 08:57:08 PST 2004


I am trying to adapt JBox to do not use frames , neither Mapserv object, I 
need it only for plain zoom box, no more. I achieved it , minimizing the 
code, but strange thing happends, I have the [img] input in the form and 
when the user clicks on it, the img.x and img.y coordinates have values=0 
when they are sent to the mapserv CGI. If I get [img] input tag out of the 
anchor, the img.x and img.y values are sent correctly, the coordinates when 
user made click. Does anybody knows where in the code this img.x and img.y 
values are altered? I was looking but can't find it, would it be in CBE 

This is the fragment of my html code:
<div id="img_anchor" style="position:relative; visibility:visible; 
width:100%; height:100%; left:0px; top:0px;"><img 
src="/images/transparent_pixel.gif" height="600" width="600"></div>
<div id="img" style="position:absolute; visibility:visible; width:100%; 
height:100%; clip:rect(100%,100%,100%,100%); background:transparent;">
<input NAME="img" TYPE="image" SRC="/tmp/TRANSMISION107418845712069.png" 
width=600 height=600 border=0>

if I take out the <input NAME="img" ...> out of the <div id="img"></div> , 
even into a different <div> tag, the .x and .y coordinates are passed to 
CGI, but this way they are not.
I create the jbox with the initalize funtion:
 var img=new dBox("img",600,600,"#FF0000",2);
 function windowOnload() {
so I guess somewhere in dbox or cbe are a procedure that resets img.x and 
img.y variables to 0 values ... 

Thanks in advance

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