[Mapserver-users] jBox

Michael Smith msmith at sanangelompo.org
Wed Jan 21 12:21:33 PST 2004

Here is what is retured when I do view source:

          <td colspan="2">
            <applet codebase="/java/jBox" code="jBox.class" width="600"
               height="600" name="jBox" MAYSCRIPT>
              <param name="image"

Any suggestions?

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Greenwood [mailto:rich at greenwoodmap.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:02 PM
To: Michael Smith; mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] jBox

Michael Smith wrote:

> Should this be something to the effect of "[img]"  
> I did not change the path in my source it still shows 
> "http://[host],[img].  I am not sure which image I should be refering too

When you view the page source in your browser (right click on the page a
select "View Source", it should look something like:
<param name='image' value=''>

Mapserver should be replacing [host] and [img] with and
/tmp/tc10747138481992.gif. is your host. /tmp/tc10747138481992.gif is the image which
mapserver created and the path to the image. In my case the path is /tmp/
and the image name is tc10747138481992.gif, which is the name of my map "tc"
and a semi-random number. Each time you request a map from mapserver it
creates a new image so this will be different each time.

In your message, above, you have a slash (/) between the host and image in
one case and a comma (,) in another case. In your source template file,
there should be nothing, it should look like:
    <param name='image' value='http://[host][img]'> When the page is
rendered, the [host] and [img] should be replaced as discussed above. This
doesn't appear to be happening to you [img] tag if I am reading your email

Try just sticking the [img] somewhere on your page an see if mapserver does
the appropriate replacement on it. Chek that an image is indeed being
created for each request. Check your IMAGEPATH and IMAGEURL in your map

Richard Greenwood

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