[Mapserver-users] Mapserver and GML.

Andrew Larcombe andrew at redink.demon.co.uk
Fri Jan 23 02:59:20 PST 2004

Hello all.

I have some questions about the use of GML within Mapserver. I am going to
produce a schema for some data which contains geographical data. I
understand that Mapserver uses OGR to read GML and I've read Frank
Warmedam's "Practical GML Interoperability" -
http://gdal.velocet.ca/~warmerda/projects/gml/gml_interop.html - although
I'm  not sure how old and still relevent the document is.

My questions basically boil down to: 1. Which versions of GML does
Mapserver support? 2. Can I use 3-d coordinates, and if so how are these
handled? 3. Can I use the Mapserver CLASS to select a subset of records
within the GML to display?

Many thanks for your time.


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