[Mapserver-users] Outlinecolor of a MS_LAYER_LINE Type

Nicol Hermann mapserver at geochem.de
Fri Jan 30 13:49:00 PST 2004

Hi Steve,

i hoping to achieve the same effect like it appears with point and
polygon layers. I would like to see a line which is enclosed which the
two lines of the outline color. The 'size' parameter only affects the
thickness of the  line.

	|| Line||
	^	^
	|Line with the Outlinecolor

Is there's a special cause that the outline color is ignored by the
line  rendering code?


Am Fr, den 30.01.2004 schrieb Steve Lime um 21:49:
> It's be awhile since I've looked at that source code but my guess is
> that outline colors are ignored by the line rendering code. What sort of
> an effect are you hoping to achieve?
> Steve
> >>> <mapserver at geochem.de> 1/30/2004 7:52:01 AM >>>
> Hi List,
> i want to set the outlinecolor within the StyleObj of a layer with the
> type MS_LAYER_LINE. I use the following code but the outlinecolor do
> not
> appear:
> $Layer -> set("type", MS_LAYER_LINE );
> $poClass = ms_newClassObj($Layer);
> $styleObj = ms_newStyleObj($poClass);
> $styleObj -> color -> setRGB ( 0, 0, 255 );
> $styleObj -> outlinecolor -> setRGB ( 0 , 0, 50);
> $styleObj -> set ("symbolname", "kreis");
> $styleObj -> set ("size", 8);
> $poClass -> set("name", "Germany");
> The same code works with MS_LAYER_POINT and MS_LAYER_POLYGON.
> Do i miss something?
> Thanks in advance.
> Nicol
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Nicol Hermann <mapserver at geochem.de>

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