[Mapserver-users] creating a new layer with PHP/Mapscript

eric.belenfant eric.belenfant at ac-orleans-tours.fr
Thu Jul 1 02:55:41 PDT 2004


i'm using php mapscript 4.0 and .tab files from MAPINFO.
I try to generate some layers on the fly with php.
Here is the piece of code

$couche_modele = $map->getLayerByName("couche_modele");
        $modele_classe = $couche_modele->getClass(0);
        // Affichage/Masquage des couches

        $layer = *ms_newLayerObj*($map,$couche_modele);
        $class = ms_newClassObj($layer);
        $style = ms_newStyleObj($class);
        $colorSTS = rgb2html(Array(    $style->color->red,

        if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["total_sts"])){

The new layer i create is not visible, however all the propoerties of 
the layer are OK when i echo them .

What is wrong in my code ?
Am i missing something ?


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