[Mapserver-users] msDrawMap() error

David Fawcett David.Fawcett at state.mn.us
Tue Jul 6 07:40:14 PDT 2004


Is admin.shp really in
C:\library\sites\mapserver\projects\testing\admin ?

Do you have the directory rights set so your Web user can read files in
that directory?


David J. Fawcett
MN Office of Environmental Assistance

>>> "Oliver Ishmael" <oliver_ishmael at hotmail.com> 7/4/2004 6:09:23 AM
Hi all,

i am still trying to write my first .map file but have run into the 
following errors:

msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'luzon'.
msSHPOpenFile(): Unable to access file. 
msSHPOpenFile(): Unable to access file. 

I have attached a copy of my .map file and hope that someone can offer
little help. As always any help greatly appreciated.

Oliver Ishmael

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