[Mapserver-users] Q: ArcIMS style dynamic layers

bob man daveatsuitland at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 6 16:38:49 PDT 2004

I've got a (what is probably a newbie) question.  I'm
coming from an ArcIMS background -- after reading over
the mailing list archives I'm certainly not the only
one ;) -- and that should explain the frame of
reference for this question.

One of the things I'd like to do is generate dynamic
layers.  From what I've read, it seems as though you
need to use PHP (or some other scripting language) to
do so.  With ArcIMS, you can create a ".axl" file (a
map file, more or less).  Then, when querying a map
service, you can include additional layers inside the
ArcXML request.  Does mapserv (the CGI app) have
support for a similar request mechanism?  Based on
what I've read the answer is no, but I'd like to
confim that.



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