[Mapserver-users] Oracle Partners
Arnulf Christl
arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Sun Jul 11 07:52:50 PDT 2004
Hey List,
in case you have to do with Oracle. This is a follow up to a mail from
April 6th this year
> Hi,
> Does anyone know the reason because Minnesota
> MapServer is not included in the list of "Partners
> delivering GIS and LBS technologies using Oracle
> Spatial, Oracle Locator, and/or Oracle Application
> Server Wireless"
> (http://otn.oracle.com/products/spatial/spatial_partners_sys_integ.htm)?
> Thanks,
> Marta.
We have asked Oracle and they have reacted. Go to the list of Oracle
Spatial/Locator technology partners
and find UMN MapServer there, it is listed and linked right at the
bottom titled "University of Minnesota"
Hallo deutsche Liste,
Oracle hat den UMN MapServer in die Liste der "Spatial and Location
Services Partners" aufgenommen.
Das kann möglicherweise ein gutes Entscheidungsargument für den Einsatz
der UMN MapServer Software bei Anwendern sein, die bereits Oracle
Spatial einsetzen.
Arnulf Christl.
Hans Viehmann wrote:
>Hallo Herr Christl,
>falls Sie die Nachricht nicht bereits auf anderem Wege erreicht hat - der UMN
>MapServer ist inzwischen auf der Website der Partnerprodukte auf OTN aufgeführt.
>Schöne Grüße,
> --- Hans Viehmann.
>Arnulf Christl wrote:
>>Hallo Herr Viehmann,
>>in der kleinen Runde können wir wohl auch in Deutsch mailen. Zunächst
>>vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort! Weitere Kommentare im Text.
>>Hans Viehmann wrote:
>>>Hallo Herr Christl,
>>>thanks for pointing out that the UMN MapServer is not mentioned in the list
>>>of partner products.
>>>As already discussed below there are certain prerequisites to be met in order
>>>to have a solution placed on this list - the partner is required to be an
>>>"official" ie. registered Oracle partner and furthermore the solution must
>>>have undergone a review by one of our specialists for quality assurance
>>>(w.r.t. database integration). Bonn Univ. is an exception in that it was
>>>included in a "Spatial Centre of Excellence" program for academic
>>Der direkte Ansprechparnter bei der University of Minnesota ist Herr
>>Steve Lime, Sie erreichen ihn unter:
>>steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
>>Fragen Sie am besten ihn, ob die University of Minnesota eine solche
>>Kooperation mit Oracle hat oder machen würde. Er wird das entweder
>>selbst wissen oder kann Ihnen den richtigen Ansprechpartner nennen.
>>>I'll try to find out if my US colleagues can make an exception for the UMN
>>>MapServer. If we do, who could we contact for the review (either in the US or
>>>in Europe)?
>>Wenn Sie kurz skizzieren könnten was solch ein Review beinhaltet, dann
>>kann ich Ihnen sagen, ob wir das leisten können. Falls wir das nicht
>>können wird möglicherweise DM-Solutions in Kanada dazu in der Lage sein.
>>Den entsprechenden Ansprechparnter kann ich Ihnen dann gerne auch nennen.
>>Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
>>Arnulf Christl.
>>>Kind regards,
>>> --- Hans Viehmann.
>>>Arnulf Christl wrote:
>>>>mcodinac wrote:
>>>>>But there are the GeoServer project and the Degree map
>>>>>server (U. of Bonn) as Oracle Partners (and I suppose
>>>>>they are not companies).
>>>>I am sure that to get UMN MapServer on the list, it just "has to be
>>>>done" - in the end its mostly in the interest of Oracle.
>>>>I forward these emails and opinions to an Oracle representative here in
>>>>Germany who I have just talked to about this a few days ago, maybe he
>>>>can enlighten us on how to do it.
>>>>Hello Mr. Viehmann,
>>>>when we met last week in the context of the GDI-NRW we talked about the
>>>>use of Oracle as a spatial data server for UMN MapServer and that we
>>>>could achieve very good results for example at the ministry of economics
>>>>in Rhineland-Palatinate here in Germany. In the userlist it was now
>>>>discussed why UMN MapServer is not on the list of partners:
>>>>As the use of UMN MapServer is continually spreading and a lot of the
>>>>potential customers already use Oracle and might not know that they do
>>>>not have to switch to another database when they use UMN MapServer, we
>>>>suggest that it would be a good idea to add it to the list.
>>>>As the "Vendor" the "University of Minnesota" should appear
>>>>The "Product" name is "UMN MapServer"
>>>>As "Description" I would suggest something like "Open Source Web Map
>>>>Server, Web Feature Server and Clients" (maybe this sould be discussed
>>>>with somebody from the inner circle, Steve Lime.)
>>>>Best regards,
>>>>Arnulf Christl.
>>>>CCGIS Christl & Stamm GbR
>>>>Service: +49 (0)228 90826 0
>>>>Direct: +49 (0)228 90826 23
>>>>Fax: +49 (0)228 90826 11
>>>>CCGIS Christl & Stamm GbR
>>>>Siemensstra?e 8
>>>>53121 Bonn
>>>>>--- bartvde at xs4all.nl wrote:
>>>>>>Oracle Partners are companies (mostly system
>>>>>>integrators) that use Oracle
>>>>>>products in their projects / systems.
>>>>>>Mapserver is not a company.
>>>>>>Best regards,
>>>>>>>Does anyone know the reason because Minnesota
>>>>>>>MapServer is not included in the list of "Partners
>>>>>>>delivering GIS and LBS technologies using Oracle
>>>>>>>Spatial, Oracle Locator, and/or Oracle Application
>>>>>>>Server Wireless"
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CCGIS Christl & Stamm GbR
Service: +49 (0)228 90826 0
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CCGIS Christl & Stamm GbR
Siemensstraße 8
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