[Mapserver-users] Mapserver Windows Installation

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at cbs.umn.edu
Mon Jul 12 09:32:53 PDT 2004

Hi there!  Since you said you are a new user, you might consider
downloading the ms4w package from http://maptools.org.  This package
include a preconfigured MapServer installation on Apache 1.3.x
server--you won't have to do anything but unpack the zip file to your
C:\ directory and read the docs.  If, on the other hand, you'd like to
stick with IIS on Windows XP, then you should copy "mapserv.exe" to
C:\inetpub\scripts (I don't think there's a c:\inetpub\cgi-bin).  You
can test to see if it works by typing this URL:
You should get this message:  "No query information to decode.
QUERY_STRING is set, but empty."

The MapServer tutorial at http://terrasip.gis.umn.edu/projects/tutorial
uses the /cgi-bin directory in the examples.  For it to work with IIS,
you either need to change "/cgi-bin" to "/scripts" for each of the
examples or create an alias (virtual directory in IIS parlance)
"/cgi-bin" that points to "c:\inetpub\scripts".  I haven't used IIS in a
long while so you might need to consult the documentation on how to
create virtual directories.


On Mon, 2004-07-12 at 09:38, Daniel Scandiuzzi wrote:
>     I am having some problems insalling MapServer on windows xp. I am a new user. I already put mapserv.exe in the webserver directory in my case (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot). 
>     I got the demo installed and it is not working. When I press the "Submit" button, it gives me a error ("page not found"). The address shown on is "c:\cgi-bin\mapserver40". I already tryed renaming mapserv to mapserver40. I am very newbee in mapserver.
>     Is there any tutorial that explains how to install mapserver on windows XP?
>     thanks for the attencion,
>     Daniel 
"He's no geek.His tan's too good." -Benjamin Choate

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