[Mapserver-users] Minimal privileges for postgresql user when using postgis

Matthew Perry mtperry78 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 13 13:14:28 PDT 2004

    Using php (not mapserver) to access postgis, I've
had to grant the user select permission on the
"geometry_columns" and "spatial_ref_sys" tables for
certain queries.  

GRANT SELECT ON TABLE spatial_ref_sys TO USER user; 
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE geometry_columns TO USER user;

Did this help??

Matthew Perry
Humboldt State University
Natural Resources Planning

--- Jean-Denis Giguere <jdenisgiguere at fastmail.fm>
> Hi list !
> I'm doing some tests with postgis + mapserver. I
> would like to use a 
> user without write access to postgresql tables for
> connection in my 
> mapfile. My user have access to every postgis
> function and have select 
> privilege on every data tables. Sadly, it does not
> seem to be enough.
> I would like to know what are mimumum privileges
> requirement for 
> postgresql user if I want that he builds the map and
> execute query on a 
> postgis layer.
> Thank you for your attention !
> Jean-Denis
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