[Mapserver-users] WMS client re-projection errors

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Wed Jul 14 04:13:50 EDT 2004

Tyler Mitchell wrote:

>>I have noticed that the USGS WMS is slightly evil in
>>that if you fudge the extents on a GetMap request, the
>>image will be warped instead of recalculating a
>>proportional bounding box. 
>>What is does the WMS standard say about this?? What
>>behavior is mapserver expecting?? 
>A side question - but how do you make sure you know that a host is WMS 
>compliant and to what degree?
Check it with deegree - its Open Source and it is the official OGC WMS 
1.1.1 reference implementation.

The only way to check whether a service is WMS compliant is to go check 
with the OGC website which hosts a list of "compliant" and 
"implementing" services.

"Compliant" is the real thing, "Implementing" may lack or fail on some 
of the testing criteria! Most not-compliant  services have problems 
reprojecting or returning non-square pixels (see other emails).

How to get the compliancy stamp can be found out here:

I will not comment on whether this is a good procedure or not but it 
seems that currently it is the only way to find out about compliancy. As 
an alternative you can find several interoperability testbeds in the net 
but most have a rather commercial backgound and may be "bend" some 
facts. Therefore we plan to set up yet another interoperability testbed 
with Mapbender which is open to everybody (bend maps as you like). Maybe 
we will need to set up an interoperability testbed for the 
interoperability testbeds - who knows...

Cheers, Arnulf.

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