[Mapserver-users] Logging WMS client requests

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jul 13 19:27:25 PDT 2004

Matthew Perry wrote:
> Hi folks,
>  I was wondering how I would log the requests that
> mapserver (as a wms-client) sends to a remote
> wms-server. I am having issues with shifting datums on
> a WMS image and need to examine the BBOX mapserver is
> requesting.
> In my mapserver log, all I get is:
> Tue Jul 13 .... ,normal execution
> Since I'm not getting an error back from the remote
> server, MS_ERRORFILE doesn't do me much good, correct?

If your MapServer WMS client runs on Linux then you can configure using 
--enable-debug and recompile. Then set "DEBUG TRUE" in the WMS layers in 
your mapfile (at the client end) and you'll get the URL and a bunch of 
debug output to the Apache error_log.

If your MapServer WMS client is on Windows then you'll have to wait for 
bug 709 unfortunately:

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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