[Mapserver-users] quadtree indexes (qix)

bartvde at xs4all.nl bartvde at xs4all.nl
Thu Jul 22 02:52:17 PDT 2004

Hi list,

I have just been playing around a bit with quadtree index on shapefiles
which are used in an OGR tile index type of layer.

I found out with filemon that Mapserver just appends .qix behind the
filename, without removing any already present file extension.

E.g. I had the following in my LAYER definition:
TILEINDEX "tile.shp"

Which made Mapserver look for the index tile.shp.qix.

So I changed this into:

But also the location attribute of the tileindex shapefile had the
following in there (generated with ogrtindex):

Which I had to change to:

Maybe the function to get the name of the quadtree index file can be
changed or the documentation could include a description of this

Best regards,

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