[Mapserver-users] queryfile

Steve McCrone ms57 at streamyx.com
Thu Mar 4 09:29:05 EST 2004

Just a follow up on the previosu question. I have modified the code and it
looks like the correct string (i.e. path and file name) are being assigned
to queryfile. On the first zoomin, the *.qy file is created in tmp/
directory and the highlighted polygon remains. But on the second zoomin, a
new *.qy file apears in the alert dialog, but this file does not get created
in the tmp directory, and therefore, "Unable to access file" error occurs.



<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
 var qfile = ("[queryfile]".substring(0,1) != "[") ? "[queryfile]"  : "";

if (qfile){
 document.write("<input type='hidden' name='queryfile' value=''>");
 imgPath = document.mapserv.map_web_imagepath.value + "\DEMO" + [id] +
 document.mapserv.queryfile.value = imgPath

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