[Mapserver-users] Query by point shape and tile indexes are -1
Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii.com
Tue Mar 9 11:52:20 PST 2004
Sorry, I don't have any pre-4 versions of MapServer around these days,
so I can't say for sure -- but I don't think that inline features
such as those added with addFeature() are queryable in this way.
Inline features are not really meant for this purpose, they are more
for annotation, one-off markers, display-only uses.
On Mar 9, 2004, at 12:26 PM, Will Richardson wrote:
> sorry, the problem is that shapeindex is -1 and tileindex is -1 so
> getShape
> returns a null object as it can't find any shape. I am using mapscript
> for
> mapserver 3.6.3 as this is the only version i have found that i can
> get java
> mapscript to work.
> my understanding is that the shape and tile index would be set in the
> layer
> after i add a feature but then when i query the layer i do find 1
> resultCacheMemberObj but the values in there are -1. How do i fix this?
> in the java mapscript version i have, the code you have below is
> wrapped so
> that the java method i call (getShape) does return a shapeObj.
> thanks
> Quoting Sean Gillies <sgillies at frii.com>:
>> On Mar 9, 2004, at 11:45 AM, Will Richardson wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to do a query after i add a feature to a layer and the
>>> shape and
>>> tile indexes are -1 so i can't get the shape that was queried. Below
>>> is my
>>> code in java, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
>>> thanks
>>> layerObj layer = map.getLayerByName( "towermark" );
>>> layer.setStatus( MapScript.MS_ON );
>>> pointObj myHouse = new pointObj();
>>> myHouse.setX( -104.06478597176886 );
>>> myHouse.setY( 38.46972580576644 );
>>> lineObj line = new lineObj();
>>> line.add( myHouse );
>>> shapeObj shape = new shapeObj( MapScript.MS_SHAPE_POINT
>>> );
>>> shape.add( line );
>>> layer.addFeature( shape );
>>> imageObj image = map.draw();
>>> pointObj queryPoint = new pointObj();
>>> queryPoint.setX( -104.06478597176886 );
>>> queryPoint.setY( 38.46972580576644 );
>>> int result = layer.queryByPoint( map, queryPoint,
>>> MapScript.MS_SINGLE, 10 );
>>> System.out.println( "result of query: " + result );
>>> System.out.println( "MS_SUCCESS: " + MapScript.MS_SUCCESS
>>> );
>>> System.out.println( "MS_FAILURE: " + MapScript.MS_FAILURE
>>> );
>>> resultCacheObj cache = layer.getResultcache();
>>> //prints 1
>>> System.out.println( "number of results: " +
>>> cache.getNumresults
>>> () );
>>> resultCacheMemberObj resultObj = layer.getResult( 0 );
>>> System.out.println( "shape index: " +
>>> resultObj.getShapeindex() );
>>> System.out.println( "tile index: " +
>>> resultObj.getTileindex() );
>>> System.out.println( "Class index: " +
>>> resultObj.getClassindex() );
>>> shape = layer.getShape( resultObj.getTileindex(),
>>> resultObj.getShapeindex() );
>>> if ( shape != null )
>>> {
>>> System.out.println( "shape.getNumvalues(): " +
>>> shape.getNumvalues() );
>>> }
>>> ______
>> Will,
>> I think you forgot to ask your question ... you want to know why
>> getShape doesn't work as expected?
>> You don't say so, but I am assuming you are using a Java mapscript
>> from
>> Mapserver 3.x? True? Well, one problem is that getShape doesn't
>> return a shapeObj. Your code will have to be something like this:
>> shapeObj shape = shapeObj(layer.type);
>> layer.getShape(shape, resultObj.getTileindex(),
>> resultObj.getShapeindex());
>> Hope this helps,
>> Sean
>> --
>> Sean Gillies
>> sgillies at frii dot com
>> http://users.frii.com/sgillies
Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii dot com
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