AW: [Mapserver-users] NQUERY Internal Server Error

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at
Mon Mar 15 07:52:15 PST 2004

Düster Horst wrote:
> Daniel
> Thank you for your hint. Your workaround seems to work. Is there any time
> line when I can expect a fixed bug?? I is a little bit to hard to change
> all my hundreds of layers.

No formal timeline, but the sooner the better...

As you may see from the discussions in the bug report, setting TEMPLATE 
at the layer level may not produce the behavior that you expected 
anyway. i.e. by setting TEMPLATE at the layer level then the class 
expressions are ignored and all shapes from the layer are included in 
the query.  Is this really what you want?

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at
  DM Solutions Group    

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