[Mapserver-users] queryByShape explanation please

Gijs Epping gijs at gijs.com
Fri Mar 19 11:49:12 EST 2004


I have some problems with the polygon shape query on a multiple point
shape file, Could some body explane it to me how i can get the data from
the points that lay in the polygon zone. The areacode layer is just some
point data. At the moment it gives this error:
Warning: [MapServer Error]: msQueryByShape(): No matching record(s)

But in the zone are I think 100 point present.

This is the code that generates the polygon circle thanks to the some
Mapserver users.

Thanks in advance.


********************* CODE ***********************

function createPoint( $x1, $y2, $programId, $radius, $name, $color,
 GLOBAL $map;

 $shpFname = "/var/www/html/atmsv03/$name";
 $shpFile = ms_newShapeFileObj($shpFname, MS_SHP_POLYGON);
 $dbfFile = dbase_create( $shpFname.".dbf", array(array("ID", "N", 5,

 // Create shape
 $oShp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
 $oLine = ms_newLineObj();
 $pointObj = ms_newPointObj();
 for ($i = 0; $i <= 360; $i = $i + 10)
  $x = $x1 + (cos($i * (22 / 7) / 180) * $radius);
  $y = $y2 - (sin($i * (22 / 7) / 180) * $radius);
  $pointObj->setXY($x, $y);

 // Write attribute record
 dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array($programId));

 $layer = ms_newlayerObj($map);
 $layer->set("name", "dangerZone");
 $layer->set("type", MS_LAYER_POLYGON);
 $layer->set("status", MS_ON);
 $layer->set("data", $name);
 $layer->set("transparency", 30);
   $class = ms_newClassObj($layer);
     $style = ms_newStyleObj($class);
     $arr=explode(",", $color);

}// end function

if ($postcode)
  createPoint($punt[0], $punt[1], 1, 1000, 'name', '0,0,0', $oShp);

$lay = $map->getLayerByName("areacode");

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