[Mapserver-users] postgis data statement

knozi knozi at gmx.at
Thu Mar 25 03:33:51 PST 2004

hi list,
i've some problems with a postgis data statement.

DATA "the_geom from 
    	(select gd_world_samplesite.the_geom,td_samplesite.maxdepth,case
		when td_samplesite.maxdepth > 1000 then 1 
		when td_samplesite.maxdepth > 500 then 2 
		else 3 
		end as myclass 
	from gd_world_samplesite,td_samplesite where
gd_world_samplesite.ssid = td_samplesite.samplesiteid)
	as foo using unique gd_world_samplesite.oid using SRID=4326"

when I execute the statement in postgres it works fine, but mapserver cannot
handle it.
The funny thing is that a similar statement on the same server, but
accessing another database, works.

I'm using linux, postgresql 7.3.4, postgis 8.1 and Mapserver 4.1. 

any hints?


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