[Mapserver-users] Suse 9.1 Linux a good Choice for Mapserver?

Mark Rodrigo mark at markrodrigo.com
Tue May 11 21:22:48 PDT 2004

Hello all:

I have seen Tyler Mitchell's polls on the flavor of Linux people have been
running, and it seems like Redhat has won out. I too have been working with
a Redhat 9 implementation, but don't think I want to go to RH enterprise @
350$/yr. I have been thinking about Debian, FreeBSD, but mostly SUSE 9.1
professional. Any strong feelings for/against SUSE 9.1 pro or maybe an
earlier version? Only thing is I would also like to do Tomcat/Java 1.4 on
that same OS, and be able to port to a dedicated server.



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