[Mapserver-users] Suse 9.1 Linux a good Choice for Mapserver?

Vladimir Guzmán bigfoot at main-task.com
Wed May 12 20:48:58 EDT 2004

I use SuSE 8.2 and I'm very - very satisfied.
I use PostgreSQL/Postgis, and I've never been in a trouble related with OS.

Vladimir Ilich Guzmán R.

Arnulf Christl wrote:

> Mark Rodrigo wrote:
>> Hello all:
>> I have seen Tyler Mitchell's polls on the flavor of Linux people have 
>> been
>> running, and it seems like Redhat has won out. I too have been 
>> working with
>> a Redhat 9 implementation, but don't think I want to go to RH 
>> enterprise @
>> 350$/yr. I have been thinking about Debian, FreeBSD, but mostly SUSE 9.1
>> professional. Any strong feelings for/against SUSE 9.1 pro or maybe an
>> earlier version?
> Even the newest SuSE you can get is just a little behind and awkward 
> when using PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Ask our admin & he'll have strong 
> feelings against SuSE, but he'll manage anyway. If you *can* choose we 
> rather recommend using Debain or FreeBSD.
> Regards, Arnulf.
>> Only thing is I would also like to do Tomcat/Java 1.4 on
>> that same OS, and be able to port to a dedicated server.
>> Thanks
>> Mark
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