[Mapserver-users] Large Raster files

mapguy phatsbbnlist at twcny.rr.com
Tue May 18 03:53:41 PDT 2004

I have a question regarding the relationship between PROJECTION and 
EXTENT for the display of layers in the mapfile  (mapserve src 4.02 and 
the new 4.2beta) I have managed to get a custom region working using the 
mapderve cgi tutorial files as a start. I have successfully displayed 
and tiled natural color ortho tiffs in EPSG:32115 (NY East state plane), 
and I have succeeded with a UTM location that displays shape files in 
EPSG:26918 (UTM 18N NAD83 GRS80).

I have downloaded 302 world-file-referenced tiffs with the 1:24000 scale 
topo info for NYS. These are in EPSG:26918 (UTM 18NnAD83 GRS80)  and the 
extents, coordinate system and mapping have been verified in my GIS 
program (grass 5.03).  These files will not display, neither as single 
maps nor as a tiled map, even though the shapefile for the TILEINDEX 
(with the exact same coord parameters) displays just fine (I even got a 
county line shapefile map in latlong coordinates to plot properly on the 
UTM basemap). No errors in the logs.  I used .tfw and .wld and internal 
GeoTiff (gdal_translated) files all with the same null result.

I have searched and read the posts on related problems, and it seems I 
have considered al the possibilities listed. I tried a gdalwarp into 
state plane (tiff output) coordinates to see if I could "TRANSFORM" it 
onto the base EPSG:26918 map, but failed to get anything more than the 
blank map frame.

Is there something about UTM and EPSG I am missing, at least as they 
concern mapserver?

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