[Mapserver-users] virtual spatial data

Chip Hankley Chip.Hankley at rmtinc.com
Thu May 27 11:52:50 PDT 2004

> Try dependency walker (http://www.dependencywalker.com/) - it should 
> tell you the versions...
OK. It appears that the mapserv.exe is using GDAL12.DLL. The "File Time
Stamp" reported in Dependancy Walker is 5/11/2004, 1:45a. This is the
4.2 beta binary from the mapserver site. I downloaded this a few days

> Can you confirm that you are able to get back your data via the
> driver (using an ovf file) from the command line? This is different 
> from using ogrinfo with the odbc driver directly.

ogrinfo -ro virtual.ovf
INFO: Open of `virtual.ovf'
using driver `VRT' successful.
1: MyLayer (Point)

ogrinfo -ro virtual.ovf mylayer
...returns (lots of data)
  ID (Integer) = 133
  MEDIA (String) = WST
  SURVEYUNIT (String) = SU2
  Y (String) = 792861.455961
  X (String) = 13238236.349609
  POINT (13238236.350 792861.456 0.000)

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