[Mapserver-users] [mapserver]virtual spatial data

Jenu Abraham jenu_ab at hotmail.com
Thu May 27 11:56:58 PDT 2004

hi Zac,

*-i tried using the file dsn in win 2003 Small business Server-MS -SQL... It 
didnt work with originfo

*-I checked the mapserver.exe using the dependency walker
-------GDAL12.dll Product version version - N/A
----------------------File ver - N/A
---------------------Linker Ver- 6.0
--------------------OS ver - 4.0
-------------------Subsystem ver - 4.0

Other thing u asked to check----

*-ogrinfo -ro config.ovf     -
           gave the output --
VRT successful 1: mylayer <point>

*- ogrinfo -ro config.ovf mylayer
           - gave the same output as with the command-   originfo 
virtual.ovf mylayer

hope this might help in figuring out where the problem lies..


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