using shpdump and extents

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Wed Nov 10 13:09:25 PST 2004

Joseph Norris wrote:
> Hello,
>>From the output of shpdump how does one determine the extents of the
> le?   - thanks.
> #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr
> $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,-
> 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90);


warmerda at gdal2200[43]% shpdump polygon.shp | more
Shapefile Type: Polygon   # of Shapes: 474

File Bounds: (  471127.188, 4751545.000,0,0)
          to  (  489292.312, 4765610.500,0,0)

The file points are the lower left and upper right corners.  The above
would translate to a MAP EXTENTS line like:

EXTENTS 471127.188 4751545.000 489292.312 4765610.500

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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