please - please - can anybody shed any light on what I am doing wrong?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Thu Nov 11 18:10:50 PST 2004


Can you explain more about what you want to achieve using a join? or why
you think you need to use a join?

Typically joins are only supported on QUERY with a template if you are
using shapefiles. If you are looking to use a join for say
classification of polygons for thematic mapping you should probably look
into moving all your data into PostGIS as it it not supported for
shapefiles (much to my consternation and occasional prodding otherwise).


Joseph Norris wrote:

> Stephen,
> One more question.  Can you recommend a good how-to to begin learning how to
> join tiger dbf data with tiger shape files?  Something very basic that I can
> use as a start?  Thanks.
> #Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map chr
> $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,-
> 68,-26,11,15,1,12,4,-68,-22,11,14,14,5,15,-90);
> -----Original Message-----
> From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On
> Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 1:48 PM
> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] please - please - can anybody shed any
> light on what I am doing wrong?
> AHh! I see a (the?) problem, you haven't declared a CLASS ... END block
> to tell mapserver HOW to reder you file. Try:
>    ...
>    CLASS
>      COLOR 0 0 0
>    END
> -Steve
> Joseph Norris wrote:
>>Here is what I got from a shpdump:
>>Shapefile Type: Polygon   # of Shapes: 58
>>File Bounds: ( 5895561.577, -191512.795,0,0)
>>         to  ( 8945856.680, 3225756.404,0,0)
>>so I changed my extent to:
>>EXTENT  5895561.577 -191512.795 8945856.680 3225756.404
>>  SIZE 600 600
>>  SHAPEPATH "data"
>>  IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
>>I  still get nothing in my browser.
>>#Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print @c=map
> chr
> $_+100,(6,17,15,16,-68,-3,10,11,16,4,1,14,-68,12,1,14,8,-68,4,-3,-1,7,1,14,-
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On
>>Behalf Of Ethan Alpert
>>Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 1:09 PM
>>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] please - please - can anybody shed any
>>light on what I am doing wrong?
>>Also do a shpdump and get the bounds in the projection of the shapefile.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On
>>Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge
>>Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 1:08 PM
>>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] please - please - can anybody shed
>>any light on what I am doing wrong?
>>I'm not sure your extents are correct:
>>EXTENTS xmin ymin xmax ymax
>>it looks like you have xmin xmax ymin ymax. What to you get for an image
>>when you use shp2img utility?
>>Joseph Norris wrote:
>>>I made a change - checked the permissions:
>>>Everything set to apache and with read/write/exec for apache
>>>This is the same as the
>>>This new url - simplified
>>>The two directory permission structures are the exact same.
>>>#Joseph Norris (Perl - what else is there?/Linux/CGI/Mysql) print
>>>@c=map chr
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: UMN MapServer Users List
>>>[mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at]On
>>>Behalf Of Stephen Woodbridge
>>>Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:54 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] please - please - can anybody shed
>>>light on what I am doing wrong?
>>>When I hit the URL you listed it says:
>>>msLoadMap(): Unable to access file.
>>>So I would check your path and your permissions
>>>Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>>>You DATAPATH is relative to your mapfile unless you specify it as an
>>>>absolute path. I would start there. Also if you can load Netscape then
>>>>you can right click the broken image icon and select view image and it
>>>>will display any error messages that mapserver coughs up.
>>>>Joseph Norris wrote:
>>>>>Here I am again:
>>>>>I have this link:
>>>>>and this map file
>>>>>EXTENT  -1375383.89811082 -7278971.22201064 16216802.1381132
>>>>>SIZE 600 600
>>>>>SHAPEPATH "data"
>>>>>IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
>>>>>    "key1" "value1"
>>>>>    "key2" "value2"
>>>>>    "key3" "value3"
>>>>>    "key4" "value4"
>>>>>  END
>>>>>  NAME "calif_co_st"
>>>>>  DATA "calif_co_st"
>>>>>I still getting nothing but this on my map ( right-click properties
>>>>>The image
>>>>>s/" cannot
>>>>>be displayed, because it contains errors.
>>>>>And yet - when I move the tests directory into my http tree like this
>>>>>I get what the mapserver tests are supposed to give - is there
>>>>>something about my shape files I should know about?
>>>>>Please - anything at all would be helpful.

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