Creating mapfiles

Trond Michelsen trondmm-mapserver at CRUSADERS.NO
Tue Nov 16 07:46:58 PST 2004


I'm completely new to mapserver, and I'm trying to set up a mapfile to
match my shapefiles. But all I get is blank images, sometimes with the
errormessage "msDrawMap(): Failed to draw layer named ...", depending
on what values I give to BBOX

I've tried to use the example from

And, apart from the PHP-stuff (I haven't (and probably can't) compiled
in php-support in mapserv), this works great. I've tried to use that
mapfile, and exchange the data to fit my own shapefile, but with no

So, I have mapserv installed. I have a shapefile. Now what do I do?

I have the feeling I'm missing something very obvious here, but I hope
it's not too stupid.

According to the readme file included with the shapefile, projection
is UTM 33 and datum is EUREF89 (WGS84). I've used the perl-module
Geo::ShapeFile, and it claims the boundries are:

  Xmin:  -58955.421875
  Ymin: 6458059
  Xmax: 1109767.25
  Ymax: 7934118.5

Trond Michelsen

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