MapScript - Parsing templates

Aaron Craig mercutio at POBOX.COM
Tue Nov 23 02:31:48 PST 2004

I am just jumping into using MapScript (Perl) with MapServer.

First of all, am I mistaken in thinking that if you use MapScript you
must re-implement most of the functionality of the mapserv cgi program
that comes with the mapserver package?  Or is there a way to reuse some
of that functionality?

Specifically, I'm interested in getting the templates parsed with the
variable strings (ie [variable_name]) replaced.

It wouldn't be difficult to re-implement this in Perl, but it seems such
a useful and common thing, that I wonder if the API already offers this
functionality or if there's already a package that does it.

I've looked at the API documentation but didn't find anything that
looked hopeful.


Aaron Craig
mercutio at

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