labeling with multiple fields

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Tue Nov 30 13:36:27 PST 2004


Try something like

   TEXT ([dir] [street])

TEXT overrides the LABELITEM tag. Any text chars inside the () and not
part of the [fieldname] is used as text in the label, so the space
between the fields will be included in the label.

-Steve W

Michael Smith wrote:
> Hi,
> Can I label my maps with multiple fields.
> labelitem "street"
> what is the correct syntax for this if I want to put the direction field on
> my streets labels along with street name.
> is it:
> labelitem "dir" + "street" ###also how can put a space between the two
> labels.
> I can seem to get this right.  Any suggestions?  thanks.

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