4.4 Windows Binaries (Oracle, SDE, and others)
Eduin Carrillo
yecarrillo at YAHOO.COM
Tue Nov 30 18:09:50 PST 2004
--- Howard Butler <hobu at IASTATE.EDU> escribió:
> All,
> I have compiled what I am calling the "kitchen sink" Windows binaries and
> made them available for download. They are located at
> <http://hobu.stat.iastate.edu/mapserver/>. Here is a quick rundown of what
> is available for support:
> Outputs: GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, and SWF
> Inputs: GDAL, OGR, PostGIS, and Shapefile. (SDE and/or Oracle, depending on
> build type).
> Servers: WCS, WFS, and WMS
> Clients: WFS and WMS
> GDAL formats: NetCDF, JPEG2000, ECW, TIFF, GeoTIFF, & MrSID (plus many more)
> OGR formats: PostGIS, GML, & ODBC (plus many more)
> There are 4 build types, and you will need to choose the one that
> appropriately does what you want with respect to Oracle and SDE as the DLLs
> required to use those are not freely available. SDE and Oracle builds
> require your own DLLs. SDE was built against ArcSDE 9.0, and will require
> the 9.0 DLLs. Oracle was built against the Oracle 9.2 client libraries and
> will require a 9.2 oci.dll.
> MapScript
> Python MapScript for Python 2.3 and Java MapScript for JDK 1.5 are also
> available at this website in the same 4 configurations. The Java MapScript
> is known to pass the test cases that exist in CVS, but I am not a Java
> programmer, so I don't know of the rest of their utility. I'd be
> interested in hearing reports of how well they work for you.
> Congrats to all those who helped work on a great release.
> Howard
This binary do not works in my system (WINXP SP2). Warning is " System can't
find lti_dsdk_dll.dll"
Eduin Yesid Carrillo Vega
yecarrillo at yahoo.com
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