WKT projection definition string

Nicol Hermann mapserver at GEOWORLD.DE
Mon Oct 4 08:48:48 PDT 2004

Hi List,

Does anybody have a OGC WKT projection definition string which is valid
to use it with the method setWKTProjection() of PHP mapscript?
The one i found

PROJCS[ NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_10N ,
   GEOGCS[ GCS_North_American_1983 ,
      DATUM[ D_North_American_1983 ,
      SPHEROID[ GRS_1980 ,6378137,298.257222101]],
      PRIMEM[ Greenwich ,0],
      UNIT[ Degree ,0.0174532925199433]],
   PROJECTION[ Transverse_Mercator ],
   PARAMETER[ False_Easting ,500000.0],
   PARAMETER[ False_Northing ,0.0],
   PARAMETER[ Central_Meridian ,-123.0],
   PARAMETER[ Scale_Factor ,0.9996],
   PARAMETER[ Latitude_of_Origin ,0.0],
   UNIT[ Meter ,1.0]]

in the Simple Features specification did not work. The method
$layer -> getProjection()
returns false.

Many thanks

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