ogrinfo/ogr2ogr problem/question

Jerl Simpson jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM
Tue Oct 5 13:07:37 EDT 2004


I have some TIGER/Line files I am trying to convert to ESRI Shape
files using ogr2ogr. Normally this is not a problem, but I'm running
into issues with it now.

I have ogr2ogr compiled from gdal 1.2.1
TIGER/Line files from 2003

The problem is when it starts to do the conversion, I get the error:
ERROR 3: Failed to read record 5218 of TGR02240.RT2
And stops.
I thought, ogr2ogr has "-skipfailures" but this seems to have no
affect, it still dies at this point and gives no more data.
Is this the intended behavior? Is there a way around this?

Thanks for the help.


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