Creating SVG from Shapefile, Oracle Spatial, ArcSDE

Ivano Picco ivano.picco at AQUPI.TK
Thu Oct 7 01:18:40 PDT 2004

Yes, I have spatial indexes for all tables. I'm quite sure is not a problem
involving some kind of problem during Oracle Connection, because the OCI
driver do the same thing both on Mapserver and on Ogr2Ogr (and ogrinfo too)
and it's quite fast, also the connection trough ArcSDE is slowly than the
Shapefile access, especially during the SVG rendering test.
Maybe there's a problem with Mapserver, maybe it's my configuration.
Ivano picco

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 17:29:03 +1000, Peter Bayley <pbay6343 at BIGPOND.NET.AU> wrote:

>Have you built spatial indexes for your tables in the Oracle database?  I
>use PostgreSQL and PostGIS and it's faster than Shape or TAB files

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