[geos-devel] GEOS and Mapserver

Ethan Alpert ealpert at DIGITALGLOBE.COM
Thu Oct 7 14:36:20 EDT 2004

You can do this with mapscript by getting the shape from a layer, build a GeometryFromText() string from the vertices and calling postgis.


-----Original Message-----
From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Vladimir Guzmán
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] [geos-devel] GEOS and Mapserver

I've got a question about this:
It could be possible with this library, to make a join in mapserver? What I need is to relate spatial information stored in shapefiles, or in postgis tables, with information stored in Oracle. (I don't want to use Oracle Spatial).

Is this possible?

Thanks a lot,

Vladimir Ilich Guzmán R.

Paul Spencer wrote:

> Liz,
> there is a php_ogr library that we built, it is just a set of php 
> wrappers for ogr functionality.  Frank added GEOS support to OGR 
> recently.  It should be possible to extend the php_ogr wrappers to 
> wrap the ogr functions that talk to GEOS.  You could then use OGR to 
> open any suitable format, perform GEOS operations like buffer, union, 
> etc and then write the results out to a supported format.
> It would also be an interesting exercise to add GEOS support into 
> php_mapscript if OGR is built with GEOS support.  It should be 
> possible to use mapscript shapeObjs with OGR/GEOS and perform suitable 
> operations that way.
> The php_ogr stuff is available on www.maptools.org/dl/php_ogr.
> Cheers,
> Paul
> Godwin, Elizabeth wrote:
>> I've cross-posted this to various lists, so I'm sorry to those who 
>> are getting duplicates.
>> I'd like to beef up my Mapserver applications with some geoprocessing 
>> functionality - buffers at present, other functions will follow.  For 
>> now I am playing with PostGIS and having great sucess, IF my features 
>> are all stored in the database.
>> What I'd like to be able to do though, is take a feature from WMS 
>> getFeatureInfo or WFS and be able to buffer that.  As a test of this, 
>> I took the GML from a getFeatureInfo request and parsed it manually 
>> to be a WKT string.  Then used PostGIS to run the buffer.  Apart from 
>> slight precision differences, it appeared to be close to what PostGIS 
>> would have done with it's own feature (the WMS request was done 
>> against the same feature through MapServer).
>> Now that I confirmed this is all possible, what I am missing is that 
>> I'd like to be able to a.. do the conversion from GML to WKT with 
>> some script/library b.. do this with a GML stream
>> c.. ultimately do this without PostGIS database dependancy.
>> I figure that GEOS can do the geometry format conversions, is this 
>> right? Has anyone written a library for linux/windows that will let 
>> me talk to it with PHP?
>> I'm prodding these lists in hopes of finding out what else is going 
>> on out there in this area. It would be fabulous if this was all built 
>> into Mapserver, but from what I can tell, it's just a thought right 
>> now.
>> Thanks!!
>> Liz Godwin
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