MapServer usage stats

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at SHAW.CA
Thu Oct 14 22:39:38 PDT 2004

On October 14, 2004 11:52 am, Kevin Grootendorst wrote:
> Hello List,
> I'm putting together a brief presentation on MapServer for my company and I
> would like to include info about the following:
> 1.  Number of current users of MapServer

Here is one perspective on that question:

> 2.  Major US and Canadian companies that have used (or are using) MapServer
> (eg. USACE, Natural Resources Canada)

I personally know of some major usage at the University of Northern British
Columbia (UNBC).  They have even built some great products on top of it:

Others can comment on the depth of use at Canadian government.

Good luck on your presentation - I'd love see what you come up with.


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