Can anyone check WMS getCapabilities with SDE datasource?

Howard Butler hobu at IASTATE.EDU
Tue Oct 26 09:35:01 PDT 2004


I was able to confirm the same problem on my end and have committed a patch
to CVS that appears to fix it.  Again, the problem was related to a layer
variable that was uninitialized and was attempting to be freed.  Beta2 will
have this patch if you can't try CVS for some reason.


At 10:10 AM 10/26/2004, Norbert Thieme wrote:
>I'm using some WMS layers with SDE (8.2) as datasources. In the older
>version of Mapserver (4.2) I had problems with getting the WMS
>capabilities when I use VERSION=1.1.1 statement. There the output was
>truncated. With VERSION=1.1.0 it worked. GetMap worked with both
>versions. This problem should be solved with the new SDE connection
>pooling so I compiled Mapserver version 4.4.0 beta1 but now both
>(VERSION=1.1.0 and 1.1.1) capabilities are truncated.
>Now I'm a little bit insecure if this is a problem for others too or if
>this is only my problem. Before I continue to make another bug entry it
>would be nice to have some feedback. If someone can check and report the
>result it would be helpful for me.
>Thanks in advance,

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