WCS Map file

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Oct 27 14:23:12 PDT 2004

Norman: You can see my WCS demo application at:


Just open the demo.html file to fire it up. You can also see the
demo.map mapfile. The demo uses temporally tiled images so is a bit more
complex than need be, but you should get the idea. I'm working on the
"howto" now.


>>> Norman Barker <normanb at COMSINE.CO.UK> 10/27/2004 8:21:51 AM >>>

could someone send me an example of a map file to use the development
WCS please,
in particular I am looking to serve DEMs.

I got MapServer to compile, so thanks for all your help with this.

Many thanks,


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