Spatial Query on VirtualSpatial layer

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at POBOX.COM
Fri Oct 29 15:14:38 PDT 2004

Blaine Hackett wrote:
> Frank, or anyone else
> I got the spatial query to return data to the query
> template but only after doing an "nquery".  By doing
> this,it is also querying an actual shapefile that it
> is and returning the data from the shapefile along
> with the VRT layer data.
> The error again, "mapserv(): Web application error. No
> way to generate a valid map extent from selected
> shapes." would seem to indicate that there is no way
> to get a map extent from the VRT layer.
> The query template has correct data from the tables
> but the map that is displayed is completely wacked
> out!
> I am projection XY coords in LAT/LONG on the fly to
> UTM.  Could that be part of the problem?
> I could send screen shots of the original map and then
> the query map if that would help.
> Anything else I can try?


I'm afraid I have lost track of your situtation.  I don't see any immediate
object reason that extents wouldn't be calculatable from the VRT data
source, but that could be the issue.  I doubt I can help much unless you can
boil down a set of data, a map file and a few queries that demonstrate some
of your problems.  Extracting the table(s) in question to .dbf files but
still having the VRT work against them might make it easier for you to
make a standalone demonstration of the problem you are running into that
I could test at my end.

Given my short attention span, the key to getting help is making it so I
can reproduce your error with very little effort at my end.  Once I see something
I believe to be an error, I am much more motivated to dig in and figure out
what is going wrong.

I suspect similar issues would apply for the other developers.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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