Richard Greenwood richard.greenwood at GMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 9 10:21:32 EDT 2004


I am copying the mapserver-users mailing list with this message as
there may be others who can help you.

Without more details, it's hard to guess where it may be failing. 

1. Get everything working with straight CGI, then run exactly the same
query string thru ASPExec.

2. Try it at the command line rather than thru ASPExec. This may show
error messages.

3. Try a different version of mapserv.exe - it seem to remember some
discussion on the list suggesting that maybe the QUERY_STRING= syntax
was broken breifly in a 4.x version.

4. I have attached a simple .asp file which may server as an example.

5. There is also an asp "forwarding" mechanism described at:
that might be useful, and easier, depending on what you are trying to do. 

Richard Greenwood
richard.greenwood at

Marta Vidal Modenesi wrote:

> Hi Rich !
> I´m writing you about an email that you sent to the mapserver-users list 
> some years ago (2001). 
> I´m trying to work with Mapserver CGI , and started searching the 
> mapserver´s users lists but there´s very few information about the topic 
> I´m interested in.
> I´m trying to use the ASPEXEC but It doesn´t work.  I think I don´t know 
> how to call the CGI mapserver in my ASP code. I wonder if you could give 
> me a hint. I have followed the example codes that comes with ASPEXEC 
> but won´t work either.
> Thanks anyway, Marta Modenesi.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Greenwood [mailto:Rich at]
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 1:30 PM
> To: Ed McNierney
> Cc: mapserver-users at
> Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] ASP Implementation Notes (re-post from
> 10/23)
> Ed,
> Thanks for sharing you ASP knowledge and for providing such a detailed
> example. Another way to do pretty much the same thing is:
>      mapserver.exe QUERY_STRING=xxxxxxxxxxxx
> This allows you to run mapserver from the command prompt without calling
> it
> from a httpd, although I don't know if it is considered a supported
> interface (Steve?). Basic ASP doesn't let you execute external commands
> but
> has a free tool that provides that ability.
> Another very general comment on using ASP and MapServer together -
> there's
> nothing wrong with mixing ASP and CGI pages on the same site. e.g. I
> have a
> series of reports that are generated by user queries against a SQL
> Server
> database and displayed in ASP pages. The user can click a line in the
> report which calls MapServer with appropriate parameters to map the
> record
> the user clicked.
> Rich

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