Highlighting a feature on a centered querymap map?

Rebecca Colwell colwell at GEOG.UMN.EDU
Fri Sep 17 12:08:52 PDT 2004

Hey everybody,

I'm having two problems with a modified querymap I'm working with.  In
an attempt to recenter to the queried feature, I followed Steve Lime's
advice in a past listserv post, which was:

        Just centering is easy. In you're query template you might have
        something like:

        <!-- the image -->
        <img src="/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=[map]&mapxy=[shpmidx]+[shpmidy]

The result of this is almost exactly what I was looking for, except for
two things.

1. The querymap map size takes the main map's size, instead of the
smaller size I put in the QUERYMAP part of the .map file (see below).
How can I regain access to my original querymap specifications?

2. The other thing I'd like to have is my selected polygon hilite.  Like
my first question, the hilite feature only works when I don't change the
img src tag.  Is there a way I can have my cake and eat it too?

Thanks for helping,


   EXTENT         -6153561 4847233 3841846 -3000000
   SIZE           450 294
   SHAPEPATH      "data"
   FONTSET "fonts/fonts.list"

      STYLE hilite
      COLOR 0 255 0
      SIZE 187 121

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