a new thought on refence maps.

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Fri Sep 24 13:30:51 PDT 2004

Lowell Filak wrote:

>If you integrate some form of mapscript I don't see why you couldn't
>change the referenceMapObj->{image} on the fly.
I can write out the image easy enough from perl, but the reference
imagemap capababilities would need to be generated seperately.  I was
just wondering about the possibilities from the standard CGI calls.  I
wondered about putting a URL in for the image designation for instance,
if that worked, then I could pass in a new reference map config via the
URL complete with new extents.

It might be easier in the end though, to just make it a seperate image
call to MapServer and handle the reference (non-mapserver) maps via PERL


>The following message was sent by Bob Basques
><bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US> on Fri, 24 Sep 2004 13:35:33 -0500.
>>What about this:
>>An option for syncing the Refence Map to the current View.  Some added
>>parameter that would build a new images that is synced wioth the current
>>view extents.
>>This would lend it self to programmetric solutions as well.  Even to
>>have the refence map change based on MIN/MAX-extent vaules.
>>Any ideas anyone?

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