PHP Mapscript module and RegEx

Anthony Best abest at DIGITALFLEX.NET
Fri Sep 24 15:05:36 PDT 2004


I'm looking into fixing the problem with PHP4s Bundled RegEx and Mapscript.

I've hacked the source to compile with mapserver using the system regex,
while php is still using the builtin regex. The linking seems to be
correct, however I'm uncertain that this is the correct path to fixing this.

Is anyone else working on this?

What is the real problem that requires mapscript to use php's bundled regex?

Is there still a problem with thread-safety?

I'm also getting the impression that mapscript is incorrectly using the
php4 API. Is this true?

I'm willing to put the time and effort into fixing this issue (as well
as other issues).

Anthony Best <abest at>
Technical Consultant
DigitalFlex LLC

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