Oracle Spatial Performance

Vladimir Guzmán bigfoot at MAIN-TASK.COM
Sat Sep 25 15:02:47 PDT 2004

Hello, List.

I don't know if this is an off-topic question but, I really need some help.
I've worked a lot with mapserver, specially with phpmapscript, and with
shape files and postgis data.
Finally, about 6 months ago, we received a request from a customer in
order to develop a web application that would be able to connect with
oracle data.
Well, after face all kinds of issues with oracle spatial, everything is
working fine now.  Except the speed.
Every map request to oracle spatial takes at least 20 seconds, with very
small geometries, and in some cases it takes 2 minutes or more.
I would like you to give me some clue, because I've worked with postgis
and shps and I've never had this kind of problems.
All the geometries are indexed.
The time responses are almost the same working with ORACLESPATIAL and
OGR connection.

For example:
The command:
ogrinfo OCI:xxx/xxx at xxx -sql "SELECT ID, ORA_GEOMETRY, NOMBRE FROM
Takes 1 minute.
The same geometry in shp:
ogrinfo -al departamentos.shp
Takes less than one second.

I know this is a very general question, but I don't know where I could
get some more information.

Any help will be very-very appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

Vladimir Ilich Guzmán R.

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