asp and mapserver

Goran Pavelic gpmail at POST.HTNET.HR
Mon Sep 27 10:29:09 EDT 2004

By asp you are reffering to "active server pages"?

I normaly use MapServer on winXP with IIS installed as a web server. I have
a layer that reads a list of points from an Access database through ODBC
(this means you are not limited to Access :-). I could easily use ASP to
manage my database....

For reading the database look at this:

Beware that you have to have a newer MapServer installation for this to work
without problems.....version 4.2.0. works fine...

I hope it helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve McCrone" <ms57 at STREAMYX.COM>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 3:45 PM
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] asp and mapserver

> Hi,
> Is there a way to mix asp and mapserver?
> I need to access a database using asp, and then use some of the reults to
> create a GIF using mapserver, and then pass the gif file name created to
> another html page.
> The problem is that I cannot seem to mix mapserver and asp.
> Thanks

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